Saturday 25 May 2013

Soft dolls - recent magazine and blog feature

dolls magazine feature
I am so slow with blogging and adding actual things to my blog. It's just that I have always lack of time and sometimes I even forgot or I think that I've already done something. I hate to see that I'm wrong. And I hate to admit that as well;)
cover rd april
Anyway, about a month (or so) ago, I had such a pleasure to be featured in the Serbian "Roditelj i dete" magazine, where I was featured for the first time about 2 years ago. This time the feature regarded my fabric dolls and toys. Almost about the same time, I was thrilled to be contacted by uber talented Abby Glassenberg - plush pattern designer, craft book author, sewing teacher and blogger behind the blog "While she naps". She wrote a wonderful post about designing softies on Spoonflower and I was so happy that among a few templates she happen to choose to sew among thousands of wonderful cut and sew templates @ Spoonflower, she chose my kawaii ice cream cones and cupcakes play softies food and left a wonderful feedback and suggestions. Especially for that blog post, I created the phases of my creative process and you can see it bellow.

Asian girl  soft fabric dolls

mermaid plush dolls

Soft fabric owls

Soft fabric owls

Lately, I also designed the 4 princesses dolls and can't wait to show you the finished, sewn dolls!Another great thing is that localy, here in Belgrade, you can find and purchase my dolls in 2 shops:
WannaBE & TOY shop
Worldwide, there is always my etsy shop, dedicated to these little cuties;)

xo, Katarina

Friday 17 May 2013

Inspiring flowers

spring flowers

I have been doing a lot of drawing, painting and sketching lately. With a tablet and with a hand, depending on a subject or eventual final use of it. I feel so inspired. And I feel a bit guilty of not sewing much lately. But I am just like that, some days you will find me mesmerized with the ideas for the textile and surface design, some days with creating some new cute dresses and wardrobe pieces, or creating new patterns for them and sometimes I just want to photograph things or to paint or to be crafty in other way. And there are days when I just want to enjoy my kids and doing my routine homework;)

spring flowers

In this time of the year, there are beautiful, colorful flowers everywhere around (naturally in the country side, and not in the city;) and so each weekend becomes a feast for the eyes. It's also so incredible how the nature change from a week to a week, and just when you plan to do some more of this and that (flower) you realize that it's gone. But, the new species are up....blooming.....and I'm driven by theirs beauty.

spring flowers watercolor ink  sketch


ink drawing

peony drawing

drawings peony

spring flowers


Have a wonderful weekend,

Friday 10 May 2013

Geek chic semifinalist!:)

Yesterday I got some great news from Spoonflower ! From a field of over 750 entries my "Geek Hexies" design made it into the semi-finals of the big Fabric8 Contest organized by Spoonflower and Robert Kaufman Fabrics. Voting has started to pick 8 finalists! You can find more about my inspiration and designs in this previous post. I would really appreciate your vote!!:) Here are the designs and the entire collection, that is available for sale @Spoonflower. collection geek salmon

collection geek limes/whites

collection geek blues

collection geek blacks

How to vote: It's easy, you can vote for as many entries as you like by clicking on the images you like best. A green outline will appear around each design you select for voting (you can select as many entries as you like). Your votes are submitted only after you reach the end of the voting pages, review your selections, and click the button (you'll need to put in a CAPCHA code if you don't have an account) to submit your votes.

Here is the VOTER

Thanks, Katarina :))) 

Monday 6 May 2013

CLOSED and WINNER announced ---> Giveaway time- ice cream play food set!

update: We have the winner, it is comment # 28 , Emy that said : "So. Completely. Adorable. Thank you for hosting such a cute giveaway!!!"

Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments and congrats to Amy!!! Also Happy Mothers Day!!! I will e-mail you now Amy!:)

Soft fabric play food - ice creams

This is the second time for me taking part in Sew mama, sew Giveaway Day and I am so glad I found some extra time to do that this year.

This time I decided to giveaway one of my kids fabric play sets that is all sewn and "ready to use" and is coming in the plastic zipper bag package with my logo, info and washing instructions, perfect for the gift giving. I have previously blogged about these little fabric cuties HERE
This neat kawaii ice cream cones and cupcakes play set is posted among baby and kids items category.

Soft fabric play food - ice creams

Soft fabric play food - ice creams

Soft fabric play food - ice creams

Soft fabric play food - ice creams

All you need to do is to leave a random comment under this blog post until until May 10 at 5 p.m. PST including your contact(e-mail) info. I will draw a random winner using RANDOM Generator. Winner will be announced by e-mail on May 12 (I will update my Giveaway Day post to include the winner’s name).
The item will be shipped internationally till May 15. (so be sure to leave your e-mail in comment in way that I can contact you immediately and get the shipping details)
Be sure to check all the wonderful giveaways linked to Sew mama sew Giveaway day!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Easter Holidays

Easter eggs

This year the Easter (Orthodox) here in Serbia was much later that the Catholic one (that we also celebrate, from my DH's part) and was also very close to the 1st of May day, so we had a lot of festivities. Kids were on the Spring break and so we were pretty much spending our time at Fruska gora, enjoying the kids and nature, doing just the ordinary things . We prepared and dyed the eggs , we cooked the pizza for the first time in our wood stove and we were delighted with the results. We enjoyed the Easter performance prepared by our kids and simply enjoyed the beauty around us.

Easter eggs Easter eggs
Easter eggs Easter eggs

Easter eggs Easter eggs
Easter eggs Easter eggs

Untitled Untitled

Spring flowers Peony

Kids Kids

Forno Homemade pizza

Homemade pizza Homemade pizza
Homemade pizza Homemade pizza
Homemade pizza Homemade pizza
Homemade pizza Homemade pizza
Homemade pizza Homemade pizza
We also did a lot of spring cleaning and I happen to find tons of my drawings and paintings, while attending the high school.

Paintings and drawings from high school Paintings and drawings from high school
Paintings and drawings from high school Paintings and drawings from high school
Paintings and drawings from high school Paintings and drawings from high school
Paintings and drawings from high school Paintings and drawings from high school
Paintings and drawings from high school Paintings and drawings from high school
Calligraphy, roman font Calligraphy, roman font

Happy May!