Friday 28 February 2014

Happy in discotheque

Marta's BD party

Marta's BD party

Marta's BD party

Marta's BD party

My big girl will be 13 tomorrow!!! Can't believe that I am a mom of a real teenager now!

Marta's BD party

We celebrated her birthday yesterday night with her friends in a kids discotheque and they had so much fun, especially with karaoke!

Marta's BD party Marta's BD party

I made my version (not very obvious) of the ombre cake in blue and the cake was this chocolate cake from Martha Stewart , that I wasn't very delighted with the taste-a way to sweet for me, but kids loved it.

Marta's BD party Marta's BD party
Happy birthday sweets!!!
Love, mama

Friday 21 February 2014

Somethin's cookin'

Hi friends!!! Just realized that I haven't posted anything for more than 2 last post was at the beginning of this month and now we are approaching to March so fast! I am studying and writing for my PhD exams and also studying and writing some more -regarding something very exciting that has been cooking for a long time. I still can't say what's the buzz all about, but all I can say for now - especially to my dear Spoonflower customers is that I will very soon stop selling my fabric designs through Spoonflower. That means that I will un-check the fabric option from my Spoonflower shop, while my designs on all the other 3 mediums: wallpaper, gift wrap and wall decals will still be available for purchase.

kindred oak

Also, please add your projects to my flickr group , dedicated to the Spoonflower stuff-fabrics, wallpapers etc. (all the pics in this post are courtesy of the wonderful people that created them using my designs and you can click on the pics to find out more)

And thank you so much to all of you that have already added them, it means so much to me to see the "fabric in action" and here are some wonderful projects that some of you wonderful people made with my designs:)

Untitled floralstripe.jpg

Creations with my cherry fabric by cucos baby little loula plush toy by Bella cicci- Sophie Bocqueho


wonderland dress by Francoise Lama Solet

Poppy fields bridesmaid dresses by Jessica Coleman Spoonflower Modern Jersey t-shirt modeled by Alex. Design:  Colorful glasses by Katarina

Organic knit mustache leggings mustache dress by Sewn natural

image IMG_13803965.jpg

Also, you can follow me and receive news and specials through my new FB page and my Instagram.
Thank you :)

Monday 3 February 2014

Traditionally modern :)

stitched pouches

It always inspire me so much to see some of the ethno-folk hand-crafted items.
And I am so happy to see that these traditional, ethnic, elements are so modern and trendy, especially these days. There are many fashion designers using folk, ethnic, tapestry items as inspiration for theirs creations.

stitched bags


These are some shoots I took today, passing by the Ethnographic Museum here in Belgrade.

stitched gloves

There is also a fantastic exhibition : “Memory Update - Ornaments of Serbian Medieval Frescoes”  at The Museum of Applied Art featuring many gorgeous Serbian ornaments.

There is a beautiful video on Vimeo  about the making of the exhibition - created by my friend Piki that I strongly suggest you to watch.

Memory Update from Osvežavanje memorije on Vimeo.

Hope that this may be inspiring to you as well:)
I took many pics at the exhibition myself and will make a separate post about it.

Happy February,