Wednesday 2 April 2008

Italian journey

Ok, I finally grabed some time to share some pics while being in Italy....we had a great time, and the only thing that a bit ruined our plans was the weather-a bit cold for a time of year.
Anyway, we were walking a lot

and eating a lot

For the Easter, we went for a launch in the restaurant specialized for fish food.

I must say that I love eating fish and all the "frutti di mare" kind of dishes, but cooked. Well, I was a minority...because almost everybody in Italy (especially people who live in the sea areas) loves eating fresh-uncooked sea food. Yuck!!!For me it was like seeing the famous scenery from the film "Indiana Jones 2", well, almost...these are "ricci" (the sea-urchins)

Can you spot the little sea grass on the plate?????kind a yucky too....LOL

As we are going to have the Beach theme guest launch on ebay starting on 16 April, we went at the nearest "city" beach, called "Pane e pomodoro", which means "Bread and tomato" to take some pics of my new dress.


More dress pics to come soon;) , just must say that I absolutely love how it turned out...very euro and twirly too, Marta was wearing it for the Easter and got tons of compliments :)

Children loved the moment of getting and opening the Chocolate eggs...well, and eating them, of course



  1. OHH! it looks like you had a wonderful trip! I love all the pictures and the new dress looks beautiful!

  2. lovely the colors/fabric and the aqua blue background on the your gorgeous brown polka dot coat! darling kiddos you have...and wow, talk about HUGE chocolate hypoglycemia kids would go into a comma for sure with all that sugar! your kids even get hyper from it? Fun times.
    And yes, i agree with you on the following patterns comment....too difficult and long and tedious...i'm kind of "winging it" with my amy butler purse. the directions are like reading html. *argh*~ Lovely Italy photos!!

  3. Thanks!!!
    LOL Laurie, thanks god my kiddos (the cute girl in the middle is our lilttle cousin)were only interested in lil' presents hidden in the eggs, and not chocolate itself....
    oh, when you said that you like my brown dotty coat-I was like-how could she saw that from the small picure I post, not realizing that clicking on it, the real size will appear, dummy me!!!I just don't like seeing me on the picures,prefer being behind camera:)

  4. What a wonderful trip and I love your blog and creativity!!! I'll check back!

    Rae*Danae Designs

  5. Gorgeous pics and I love the dress!!! Anjee, mommy to Caterina ;)
