Thursday 8 May 2008


I've just re listed the totally custom Gaucho set on eBay. I've received the compliments from one of my sweetest customer, buying it recently and she sent me some pics of her adorable daughter Abigail wearing it.

I've never shared before any of my customer cuties wearing my outfits, which is definitely the best part of this kind of a custom sewing work and sort of reward for all the commitment and effort to make every single detail just as beautiful as the entire set.

And when you receive the e-mails saying something like this one Just wanted to let you know that I received the dresses today. Their aren't words to explain how I was so excited about them. I love! love! love!!!!! them. They are well made and the straps on Ryleigh's dress was super cute! Very exceptional.. Please reserve my spot for easter dresses for 2009. I think you did an excellent Job. Thanks! thanks!thanks! for making it happend for me I am very pleased. I will send Pics once I get them back.
The happiness and satisfaction can't be described for knowing that somebody really love all your work :o).

Here are some more pics of one of my sweetest customer cuties, Poppy, whose mom is now a regular customer and a very good friend as well;)

At the moment, I'm finishing another cherry set, loaded with tons of ruffles, as well;).I also wanted to say thanks to all of you sending me your compliments for the pattern and asking me if there is a pattern available. Well, maybe I will find some time in the future to dedicate it to making a personal pattern for this type of whimsy pants;), requiring a lot of time for ruffling the fabrics....

I'm also preparing another of this sets for one of my best eBay friends and recent customers, Shawnta with whom I'm also preparing the eBay collaboration using the Summer in the city fabrics. Yummy!!!


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic outfits!Especially I love the outfit on the second picture!Really beautiful!

    Steffi ;O)
