Sunday 5 October 2008

Getting ready for FALL.....tomato sauce "fun"

fall flower


fall flowers I'm finally saying goodbye to summer, which is not so easy to do, knowing that fall is here and that soon will be winter and it is all bringing bad weather and small possibility to go outside to play and walk with kids or just even enjoy the weather/time....


But, each season is bringing it's good things, right??? Hmmmm, one of these is preparing the food for that season. That is sooooo fun and easy to do!!!!!Here in Serbia, people still use to do those kind of things, especially preparing tomatoes, peppers and some salad stuff, and fruits too!!!
Why? Well, to be sure that they-especially kids are eating something free of toxins, preservatives, colorants and all those non healthy things that can be usually found in the food offered from big manufactures etc.

So, a few weeks ago, my hubby and I decided to prepare some tomato sauce, known in our house like salsa di pomodoro. That's like a MUST in italian kitchen and almost each meal has a bit of it;)

So here is the procedure of how we did it:

washing the tomatoes

tomatos grinding
cutting the tomatoes and grinding them with the machine

salsa ingredients
preparing to cook it, adding salt, sugar, basil leaves and onion

salsa done
after about 2 hours of stirring and mixing on the mild flame this is how it will look like, ready to be littered into the bottles

bottles in the owen-sterilization
bottles are placed in the Owen(firstly washed) at 160 degrees for about 10, 15 minutes

lids are "cooked"-sterilized in the boiling water

after filling the bottles with the sauce, you need to securely close the bottles

place them in some warm place-I just cover them all over with some blanket and let them stay till the morning

before placing them to some storing place, control the lids-if they did the vacuum thing;)

Done!!!!!Now you can prepare all those yummy tasty meals!!!!



I will post next how to prepare home made pasta and simple and tasty pasta con salsa di pomodoro-like in that plate above, so stay tuned;)

xo, Katarina


  1. YUM! Thanks sweetie! I can't wait for the pasta recipes! I have a friend whose parents are from Italy and they taught me how to make authentic spagetti sauce (with the cinnamon & nutmeg) It is now all my family eats! They will be so excited about this! :)

    I also LOVE your Owl sets & the hats are tdf! Super CUte!
    HUGS GIrl! ~Tab :0)

  2. Ooooh yum. Can I come have dinner at your house?! I may just have to try making my own tomato sauce... :D

  3. Oh, sure Amanda, just be sure to bring along the kids with you too!!!
