Friday 26 June 2009

BTS wonderland

As the school is over, it is absolutely time to think about the BTS girly outfit:) Something beautiful, but yet comfy and very practical as here ya go...



I made a small mix and match collection, as a transition into a fall from summer: something super cute for parties, like maybe a patchwork dress, or yet super practical like the reversible apron:)

detail pants



detail pockets


You can see more and read about details by visiting the listings on eBay .

I'm absolutely in love with this Moda's fabric line, and so sorry that I haven't order more (I ordered it as a preorder in march from the Over the Rainbow quilt store), as the line is sold out and some prints are impossible to be found:(.

moda wonderland by momo quilt squares.

But I ordered some prints printed on twill, so can't wait to get them as well:)))
Have a wonderful weekend,
XO, Katarina


  1. It is beautiful Kat! I LOVE it so much. Kat is looking so big girl NO FAIR! HUGS Tab

  2. maybe this site?

  3. Wow! Your creations are quite simply, gorgeous!I love the way you mix the fabrics, the colours, and the designs are extraordinary.
    Vanessa xxx (do you mind if i knit)

  4. Anonymous, I have been looking at that site, but they don't have the needed fabrics:(.
    Tab and Vanessa thank you so much for your sweet comments!!!

  5. Whether you’re wearing a crisp, casual suit and a pair of jeans with loafers, you may easily add a BTS Cap to the mix as well as step out the door a complete style winner.
