Saturday 12 December 2009

Rainy day

rainy day

It is pretty gloomy these past few days/weeks here...they say that from tomorrow me may see some snow, which is somehow better than rain;)

rain drops

rain drops

kalemegdan Yesterday, while going to see the 45. Golden Pen BELGRADE - 10. International Biennial exhibition of ILLUSTRATIONS, held at Pavilion Cvijeta Zuzorić, Kalemegdan park , Belgrade, I had the chance to enjoy some incredible views of the nature during the rainy day. And while it was freezing and wet, and not so pleasant to stay outside, it was just something about the gloomy atmosphere or about that incredible smell of the pine trees all around, that somehow make me feel happy. Or maybe it was just the solely moment in my life, having the time to dedicate it to myself and to what I love (after the family-that don't counts, of course:) most-art.

The exhibition is great, one of those MUST SEE for sure, and I feel sorry that I didn't have time to make some illustrations lately, and therefore couldn't submit them for this exhibition. But I was delighted to see some great illustrations made by my friends and colleagues and from some foreign illustrators.
Here are some(sorry for the bad pics, but the light was terrible+glass reflections and I had my handy camera only)

Have a great and creative weekend, Katarina
PS if you will ask for my wellibobs, on the first picture, these are the Joules Fierenze wellies-LOVE them:))))


  1. Hi Katrina
    I just wanted to say I'v been reading your blog for a couple of year and love it to bits.
    I was born in Poland and ccame to Australia when I was 10 so I do remember that miserable and cold weater. Not fun.
    Ang xx

  2. hello katarina!
    sad sam dobila mejl da mi je ticica, ona seed crvena, vidjena na tvom blogu, koji je bayan!
    xvala ti! bas mi je zao sto nisam mogla doci na izlozbu- danas je zatvorena...


  3. Hello there!!!
    Thanks for stopping by:))))
