Saturday 15 December 2012

Inside and outside

winter wonderland

It's snowy. And cold. And that time of the year when kids are getting cold so often, that it's becoming quite annoying. I can't say that I don't like winter, but looking forward to the warmer days. In the meantime here are some pics of what we are up to....trying to enjoy this pre-Xmassy period.

winter wonderland winter wonderland
winter wonderland winter wonderland
winter wonderland winter wonderland

winter wonderland

winter wonderland

winter wonderland winter wonderland
winter wonderland winter wonderland

winter wonderland

winter wonderland winter wonderland
winter wonderland winter wonderland

winter wonderland

winter wonderland

Hope that you are in some cozy, warm place and doing well:)
xx, Katarina

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a valuable post. Please keep us updated for future posts.
