Tuesday 29 October 2013

Fall beauty

Finished HST lap quilt

Yesterday I went to make some pics of my new finished quilt. And I made hundreds of pics, but before I post them, I decided to dedicate this post to nature and fall only.
Because it deserves a post itself. There is so much beauty in the silence....incredible colors everywhere...hope you will be inspired too!

fall splendour

fall splendour

fall splendour

fall splendour

fall wall

fall splendour

fall splendour

fall splendour

wild strawberry

fall sky

Friday 25 October 2013

What a wonderful day! :)

What a fantastic, happy day it was today! Not only it's my son's birthday, but I have found out that I have passed the doctoral preliminary examination!! The prelims were on Tuesday and I was so nervous to hear the results. The competition level was very high and I had some problems explaining to the jury members why I want to do the PhD in painting and not in graphic design (after studying printing and graphic design) or textile design (as my thesis concept was much closer to the textile design field). But, well I suppose that I convinced them and I am so happy that I will be back to the Faculty from the next week. And I will totally take some classes from the field of textile design as well (yay for the possibility to combine different art fields) and looking forward to it!
It will be a great mix and match of painting, graphic and textile design!

And of course, we had so much fun with the kids and celebrating all the good news!!!
And I am so happy and proud and so blessed to call this adorable boy - son!
He is the most wonderful son mom can ever ask for.
Have  a wonderful weekend and kiss your kids,
Katarina :)

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

Last week we had the pleasure of being involved in the great workshop held at the Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade and conducted by fantastic Italian illustrator Marcella Brancaforte
It was offered by the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade

workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

The kids had pleasure of listening the old Sicilian fairy tale "La Bella dalla stella d'Oro", looking at Marcella's gorgeous illustrations from the book and drawing something that was related with the story.
workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

workshop with Marcella Brancaforte

The workshop was organized as part of the 48th Children's October Salon, where my sister's sons got the first award;)

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Doily and embroidered buttons and some patchwork

embroidered buttons roses

It seems that we are totally into fall.
Like gloomy, rainy weather and cold. Not fun at all.
But, yet, it's good for crafting.

doily buttons

doily buttons

doily buttons

embroidered flower buttons

doily button necklace

doily deer button

Here 's what I am into these days: making some more button necklaces with gorgeous doily and embroidered and cross stitch (so trendy right now!) buttons, just like some made long time ago......
And trying to finish my half squares quilt. I love it already. It's small and I placed a very warm(high loft)batting inside, appropriate for winter season. But I know that it will give me a hard time to quilt over. Oh, well....

WIP - HST quilt

WIP - HST quilt

WIP - HST quilt

WIP - HST quilt

WIP - HST quilt

WIP - HST quilt

WIP - HST quilt

Can't wait to get it all done: I will do the square-cross-hatch quilting over...I hope I will not ruin it!

Happy October!