Thursday 10 June 2010

Hello summer


pablo It is the end of another school year and at this point after all the crazy weather and a few days spent working on another exhibition at the Faculty , I can absolutely say Hello to summer:) It is just too hot already!!!! So we literally jumped from boots into the flip flops.....and as I haven't share any shoe obsession lately , here is something that is on the top of my wish list for this summer:

These are 80%20, Ce Ce Chin collection or so called Molly shoes. Aren't they just gorgeous???

Talking about summer and trends, I will have to recommend ELLE DEKOR Serbia page now even on Facebook, and of course, the MUST HAVE, hot june issue :)))Also, another beautiful blog CreamyLife , where I was even featured a few days ago and can't wait to meet lovely Ludmila in person next week:)))


And for the end, saying hello to summer, I will have to say goodbye to all the beautiful and inconstant spring nature beauties and natural phenomenons...that I truly enjoy seeing and peonies....always so inspiring!!!


peony degas dress

Happy summer to all,

1 comment:

  1. Katarina, I can't wait to meet you too! Thanks for the mention :)
