As promised to some people asking me how to made reversible headbands...I took some photos when making one headband-step by step and will try to give the description, as well. Hopefully it will all make sense;)

Reversible headbands are great to make with some scraps that has to have about 15 (38 cm) " in length and to be around 4"(11 cm) wide. You will also need about 5-6 "( 10.5 cm) of elastic. These measurements are appropriate for kids heads, and will make the finished size around 19" ( 48.5 cm) (including elastic) that is appropriate for toddlers, but adding 1-2 " in length, you can also make great headbands for you and your friends;) or reducing it, you can make some cute baby headbands too.
Wind a bobbin in way to match the fabric on the other side and also, if the fabrics you will be using are light weight, you should use some interfacing(use of interfacing even for quilting weight cottons will improve the durability and even look of the headband;)
Ok, let's start:

Cut the fabrics and elastic

Place the fabric bands, right size together, making sure that they are aligned perfectly. You can even pin the edges, for security.

Serge the longer edges (or if you don't have the serger, do the zig zag stitch on longer edges) and after that you can even sew along, making sure that you are leaving openings on each side of the tube.

With the safety pin, turn the fabrics inside out, as shown.

Now you need to insert the elastic, starting from one side: fold down the edges, pushing them inside the tube and place the elastic in the tube.

Sew along, continuing until the next side-hole.

Here you need to insert the other side of the elastic, of course and then stitch over.

Continue stitching until you join the start of the thread...just make sure that you finish sewing securely-if you are using polyester thread, you can even heal the edges;) (I'm always first making the knot and than seal it;)

You are done!!!!:o)

As my English is not very good, please if reading this, you notice that some changes may improve the description, please be so kind to leave the comment or e-mail me;)
If you find this tutorial useful, I would love to hear from you or see your headbands;). Enjoy the weekend!
Katarina, your tutorial is fabulous! There is no need to make any changes - your english is great, no worries :)
Thanks sweetie!!!I was checking your blog to see some market pics...but haven't seen them:(, I suppose you are very busy;)
What a great tutorial!!!
You have wonderful English and amazing talent!!
many hugs,
Caterina's mom ;)
Thanks Anjee, so sweet of you!!!!
it looks great! and is very easy to understand ;)
hope all is well!
Katarina!!! Hey girlie, long time no chat :D LOL. This is a GREAT tutorial, thanks a bunch!
hi Katarina,
thank you very much for this great tutorial... Now i know what i have to do this evening...
have a nice day
GREAT :) Wouldnt change A thing!
What a wonderful idea! I'm so going to have to try this for my daughter.
I've featured them on my site today, and you can grab an "I've been featured" badge if you'd like.
Thanks for sharing!! :)
I love this tutorial! Thank you for the wonderful idea!
Sorry, for my english, but I would like to thank.
Your explanation are very clear, and I can do it.
Great idea. I found another fabric store which is Broadway Fabrics.
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