If you remember
THIS post you may have noticed that I have mentioned that I was contacted by the
Country Living magazine to send the ornaments samples. I filled the credit sheet with my consent to publish them in theirs magazine etc, but i still was very reserved about if it will happen for real. Well, yesterday, after checking my e-mail and noticing some
etsy sales, I also spoted a note from one customer: "I feel very lucky to be able to order your deer ornament since it is displayed so nicely in the December issue of this magazine. I was afraid you would be sold out!"
Oh well, I thought, so it the true and it was really there!!!!Of course, I have alarmed all my US friends to see if someone already has a copy, as was dying to see it printed on the page and (I will get my copy, but in a week or so) than sweet
Laurie pointed me that
on-line version of it (if you are browsing it, mine is lucky number 7 and finally my friend
Sharon sent me the picture of it!!!
It looks a bit pale as it is transparent with white print on the white page, but it looks winterish and elegant, I think.

I have also prepared some new ornaments, in dotted version. What can be sweeter than the polka dots in red/white combo? I have painted the dots with the rubber liquid(the one used in the water coloured illustrations)to protect the white spots and than sprayed the ornaments with Ferrari red acrylic paint. Love it and I noticed that the deer has already sold out!!!!!Will try to make some more:)
I will have a giveaway post soon which will include some ornaments, but I am waiting to receive the new run I ordered from the Mill and it will include the sea horse shape and some smaller Bambi and sea horse shapes in the same doily print in the 1" size:) Can't wait to get them!!!! In the meantime, domestic readers, can buy some of my doily ornaments locally at the Supermarket concept store, Visnjiceva 10, Belgrade.
Hope you are slowly getting ready for the Holidays or at least are enjoying the mood;)))
xo, Katarina
If you remember
THIS post you may have noticed that I have mentioned that I was contacted by the
Country Living magazine to send the ornaments samples. I filled the credit sheet with my consent to publish them in theirs magazine etc, but i still was very reserved about if it will happen for real. Well, yesterday, after checking my e-mail and noticing some
etsy sales, I also spoted a note from one customer: "I feel very lucky to be able to order your deer ornament since it is displayed so nicely in the December issue of this magazine. I was afraid you would be sold out!"
Oh well, I thought, so it the true and it was really there!!!!Of course, I have alarmed all my US friends to see if someone already has a copy, as was dying to see it printed on the page and (I will get my copy, but in a week or so) than sweet
Laurie pointed me that
on-line version of it (if you are browsing it, mine is lucky number 7 and finally my friend
Sharon sent me the picture of it!!!
It looks a bit pale as it is transparent with white print on the white page, but it looks winterish and elegant, I think.

I have also prepared some new ornaments, in dotted version. What can be sweeter than the polka dots in red/white combo? I have painted the dots with the rubber liquid(the one used in the water coloured illustrations)to protect the white spots and than sprayed the ornaments with Ferrari red acrylic paint. Love it and I noticed that the deer has already sold out!!!!!Will try to make some more:)
I will have a giveaway post soon which will include some ornaments, but I am waiting to receive the new run I ordered from the Mill and it will include the sea horse shape and some smaller Bambi and sea horse shapes in the same doily print in the 1" size:) Can't wait to get them!!!! In the meantime, domestic readers, can buy some of my doily ornaments locally at the Supermarket concept store, Visnjiceva 10, Belgrade.
Hope you are slowly getting ready for the Holidays or at least are enjoying the mood;)))
xo, Katarina
A jel mogu i kod nas da se kupe ove crvene sa tackama?
Inace, upravo sam te preporucila onoj engleskinji kojoj sam slala svoje krpene lutke, tako da znas da se ne iznenadis:)
You are so deserving of this and much more. I am going to purchase the magazine this afternoon when I am out and about!!!! So smiling at this recognition for you!
These are the cutest! LOVELY!
Yay, glad you got your copy!
THANK you;))))
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