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Tuesday 31 July 2012

Skopelos vacation

Poppy summer dress
Hello friends! We are back from our wonderful Greek vacation and I've uploaded tons of pics in my flickr album. Must say that Skopelos island is as far the most beautiful island I've ever visited and it deserves a few separate posts, so I will start writing them soon and hope to show you at least a tiny bit of the beauty that can be found and enjoyed there.
See you soon,
Katarina, xx

Saturday 21 July 2012

Greetings from Skopelos

Just a quick note that we are on Vacation in Greece and that we will be back in a couple of days. Can't wait to post regularly from home(as the internet connections are terrible) and to show you the beautiful pics I took here.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Birdie bag tutorial

Rabbit wallpaper bag

Last year, when I created this bag, I mentioned writing the free tutorial. So finally, here it is.
You can see all pictures in bigger format here in my flickr album.

PDF pattern

The finished size of the bag will be approx. 16x12". If using regular quilting cotton, than you need to use the interfacing, and if using linen cotton canvas and cotton twill, you don't need any other additional interfacing fabric.

Needed supplies:
1. fabrics - 1  1/2 yard for the 44" wide fabrics or 1 yard for the 54" wide fabrics
2. interfacing - 1/2 yard
to obtain the more durable bag.....you can even use the piece(cut in the long stripe) of some light interlining for the handles to obtain the straps that would be padded and therefore would provide more comfortable and durable wear
3. sewing machine, thread, scissors, pins
4. two buttons for closure 
5. 2 metal rings and 2 Swivel clasp snap clips

bag tutorial1


Template pieces includes:

1. bag body and lining
2. flap

Additionally you need to cut:

1. handles ( 2 pieces) : 27 x 8"
- additionally if you want another long handle, cut 54 x 8"
2. pocket: 30 x 10"
3. loops x metal parts- one small strap- 2 x 10"


1. cut all pieces including the interfacing for the 2 main body pieces

bag tutorial pieces

2. on the dashed lines within the bag's body stitch the ribbon or other embellishment: there are many options to mix, match and combine, so be creative here:)
bag tutorial deciding the ribbons bag tutorial versions bag tutorial ribbons

3-4. stitch the pocket: you can use the whole pocket piece number as one big pocket or you can cut it and make 2 smaller pockets to be sewn into the lining, after the embellishing line

bag tutorial making the pocket2 bag tutorial pocket

5. use the small triangular parts on the bag’s body and lining(on the bottom line) to create darts

bag tutorial fll bag tutorial f

You can do the darts 2 ways: visible (like I did on this bag)-that little triangular folded shape is visible outside or in classical - "invisible" way (triangles are made on the inside) -like shown on the following picture.
There is even another version of making darts on each corner separately before sewing one side of the bag to the another. That's the method I prefer, but is a bit more complicated for the beginners-as they have to match nicely.
Here is one example how;)

rabbit wallpaper original fabric

6. don’t forget to snip the corners and clip the curves

7. make the handles- the fabric pieces number 5 : there are a few ways to create the handles, (where the inserts will be smaller or bigger-also depending on size of the material available), but the easiest way is to fold them in half lengthwise and iron it, then open and press both sides toward the center crease, press center crease close again and stitch

 bag tutorial thinner version of handles bag tutorial fold the handle

If using the larger bag version, you will need to create also one large handle that will be attached and taken away easily with some rings and snaps

bag tutorial prep metal parts

You'll need to make some small fabric straps and to pull through the snap clip on one end and the ring at the other. The second ring and clip will have to be inserted in the both sides of bag's body in the steps 10-11

bag tutorial metal parts beg bag tutorial flap metal
 bag tutorial flap ins bag tutorial handle bag tutorial long handle

bag tutorial parts

8. using the pieces for flap (cut it on the central dashed line) create the flap by sewing the both pieces on the top of each other, right sides together, leaving the dashed line open as gap to turn. Make the button hole and sew the finished gap on the center of the outer side of the body bag on the center of the outer side of the body bag, placing the front and back pieces on the top of each other, right sides together

 bag tutorial buttton holejpg bag tutorial button hole

9. sew the buttons (being help with the other body part with the sewn flap, making sure it would be closed correctly) and sew the handles on both outer body parts

bag tutorial buttons bag tutorial main sides

10-11. sew all around body to body parts and lining to lining parts right sides together,leaving the bottom gap open on the inner lining part of the bag that will allow turning bag inside out

bag tutorial metal side bag tutorial metal side 2 bag tutorial 2 parts inn bag tutorial inside d bag tutorial inner side

12. place lining part inside of the body part of the bag(right sides together) and stitch all around the top

 bag tutorial 2 parts bag tutorial i3

bag tutorial double bag tutorial doubl

13. turn the bag inside out through the lining's gap and hand stitch the opening gap closed and press the seam around the top line of the bag and do the top stitching(for security reasons)

bag tutorial out

bag tutorial fin

bag detail 
Rabbit wallpaper bag

Rabbit wallpaper bag inside

Rabbit wallpaper bag

Enjoy, Katarina