Hmmm, it's been lonely here on the blog lately....:0(...where have you all gone???I know that some are already having the holiday breaks and having fun!!!!We will go probably in Greece this year, in the island of Tasos....where is taken the photo above, 2 years ago;)

But today I have some other, fresh photos to share, as my hubby took me to the fabric shopping spree;P

This place is called Italtes and is fabric shop where the fabric is weight in grams .....so it goes in weight and not metres,LOL.

I love that, not only because you can touch everything, but because it actually requires some digging....and finding some lost treasures, among the bolts ,rolls and fabric sheets.
I was totally thrilled when I found this one

It has that vintage, almost Japanese look, I think. Such a pity that they had only that piece of about 1.5 yds left...but it will certainly be used well:O)

Bianka was sleeping in the world of fabrics, so I could explore all the corners and groups easily...enchanted and taken by the colors, patterns and projects about how and where to use them.

Got the bliss???Well, I certainly had.