Since the summer has officially arrived, the weather turns absolutely nuts. I can't remember the day without rain.
Even when the sun appears and it seems that the rain is finally over, it happens to rain again. And again...and they said it is going to be like that at least for the next 2 weeks.
There is a lovely field of poppies (those planted to get the seeds, that had the beautiful violet flowers ) on the way to our weekend, getaway house at Fruska gora. I was so sad that this year I missed taking the pics of that field in bloom, as we were in Italy during that blooming period, but I was impatiently waiting to the pods to get formed well and take the pics of them. I just love them!!!They have always been so inspirational.
So, last weekend between one splash of rain and another, I managed to go to that field and take some pics. I was so disappointed when I realized that due to all this rain, they have adopted many mouldy stains and spots all over.
I don't have the idea if the owner of that field will have the possibility of collecting any of the poppy grain from the pods(not b/c I just had to make myself a bouquet, to take it home), as they are just not looking very "healthy"...but I 'm so happy that I however had the chance to take all those pictures:)
Have a great and hopefully not rainy weekend, Katarina
These poppies are just fantastic! Hauntingly beautiful! The afterlife of the colorful poppies....just as gorgeous in their own way......hope they dry out enough to save a few to decorate with! LOVELY photography, Katarina!
Cao Katarina,
ja sam ti prosli put ostavila sajt za MoMo kolekciju. Izvini ako sam napravila gresku.
Imas na "pink chalk studio" neke materijale iz te kolekcije.
Stvari koje pravis za decu su prelepe. Odusevljena sam!
Pozdrav iz Cikaga,
Thanks Laurie:)
Cao Miro, onaj cvetni materijal(kao na pantalonama) izgleda da nema bas nigde vise da se nadje:(. Ali narucila sam od jedne devojke na etsy-ju neke druge iz kolekcije:)
Puno hvala na komentarima i na pomoci!!!
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