May/June issue of the Belle Armoire magazine is available and you can find 3 pages featuring my designs. The article is called "Pretty as a princess" and I can't be happier to see 3 full pages with my creations.
In case you can't read the text from the uploaded pages, here it is:

I was born in 1975 in Belgrade, Serbia (Europe) where I live with my husband and 3 children: Marta ( 9 ), Pablo ( 5,5 ) and Bianka ( 3 ) that are true inspiration for my work.
In 1998 I have graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, at the Department of Graphic Arts and in the 2003 I obtain the Master degree.
I work at the Faculty for graphic design (FILUM) in Kragujevac as the teaching assistent for the figure drawing. Beside really enjoying being mama and teaching students, I'm trying to express myself through many forms of art: collages, drawings, illustrations, calligraphy, graphic design, graphic prints, photography, sewing..... I have always being inspired with many different fields of art, having the desire to try myself in different mediums, working with different materials. I find inspiration everywhere: in different forms and materials, but also in plants, travels, books, illustrations, exhibitions, fabrics, design blogs, catalogues, photographs, vintage patterns, buttons and laces. Lately I am very atracted by the plexiglass and all the possibilities of design in that material. I would also love to try myself in the field of the textile design, and I am working on my own collection for the past 2 years, hopefully will be brave enough to submit those designs soon.
I have always been obssesed with different artistic tools, range going from drawing pencils, inks, crayons and different colours till the different sewing tools and gadgets.
Being "crafty"and creative is something that consorted me since the early childhood.
I was raised in an artistic family: my father is a painter, my mother ceramic-pottery artist, sister is a stage designer and growing in such an environment rich with artistic events and creating daily definitely determinate my life and creations. So, since my father was working even as a graphic designer when I was just a little girl (no computer was used in that period), I often had the opportunities to create some smaller parts for some designs when it was something in correspondence with/for children. I suppose that designing for children was definitely my first task, that raised through years in passion, designation and dedication...since later when attending Artistic Faculty almost all off my Graphic works were for that purpose( I did many illustrations for children books and even designed my font for one of these books that was looking like childish handwriting). Well, sewing for children came much later, after getting my first daughter 9 years ago.....when I found myself in the role of the mother and therefore had very limited time to dedicate to art. So, being mainly in home with a need to create, I have discovered the world of fabric, were the options were almost unlimited and very challenging. I always loved fabrics and funky patterns, giving them the important roles in my graphic compositions and assemblages, but now I really wanted to learn to sew. I have repaired my mother's vinatge sewing machine, bought a serger and some Burda magazines and the first results were very incouraging, pushing me always more, giving me the goal to try more complicated techniques and garment pieces. I have always been more visual sewer, as the sewing explanations were somtimes like another unkown language for me, so with a lot of practice, after a few years, I have achieved good sewing skills .
I was trying always to figure by myself how to do something and I think that experience, beside talent is one of the most important factors in sewing, and in art, generally. Drawing and making my own patterns now is something that I am really proud of. After creating some really unique and fun pieces of clothes for my daughter, I was asked by some friends to sew some things for theirs kids too, so step by step, my label name was born in 2006. -"Like flowers and butterflies". I was firstly making and selling some hair accessories, being attracted by the crafty details and the great attention to detail is something that remain as very important task when creating the entire outfit. My designs range from each day clothes till the couture sets. I have firstly started selling some of my designs on ebay, discovering very friendly children handmade boutique community, learning some new tips and skills, regarding sewing, but also some computer HTML skills and making some very good friends as well.
Occassionally offering custom designs on ebay, I met some very nice people, both buyers and sellers. Some of the designs shown here are the courtesy and property of one of my dearest clients, Mary Stevens from Charleston, SC, made for her adorable daughter Isabella.
I am also selling some of my creations on etsy, where I have 2 shops: flowersnbutterflies and Iwannabe...and blogging about my adventures on www.likeflowersandbutterflies.blogspot.com
Also, I have to thank's a lot to Amanda for offering me such a great opportunity for this feature in theirs magazine and to Mary Stevens for being so patient during past few months and so kind to borrow her's daughters custom for the photographs.
xo, Katarina

May/June issue of the Belle Armoire magazine is available and you can find 3 pages featuring my designs. The article is called "Pretty as a princess" and I can't be happier to see 3 full pages with my creations.
In case you can't read the text from the uploaded pages, here it is:

I was born in 1975 in Belgrade, Serbia (Europe) where I live with my husband and 3 children: Marta ( 9 ), Pablo ( 5,5 ) and Bianka ( 3 ) that are true inspiration for my work.
In 1998 I have graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, at the Department of Graphic Arts and in the 2003 I obtain the Master degree.
I work at the Faculty for graphic design (FILUM) in Kragujevac as the teaching assistent for the figure drawing. Beside really enjoying being mama and teaching students, I'm trying to express myself through many forms of art: collages, drawings, illustrations, calligraphy, graphic design, graphic prints, photography, sewing..... I have always being inspired with many different fields of art, having the desire to try myself in different mediums, working with different materials. I find inspiration everywhere: in different forms and materials, but also in plants, travels, books, illustrations, exhibitions, fabrics, design blogs, catalogues, photographs, vintage patterns, buttons and laces. Lately I am very atracted by the plexiglass and all the possibilities of design in that material. I would also love to try myself in the field of the textile design, and I am working on my own collection for the past 2 years, hopefully will be brave enough to submit those designs soon.
I have always been obssesed with different artistic tools, range going from drawing pencils, inks, crayons and different colours till the different sewing tools and gadgets.
Being "crafty"and creative is something that consorted me since the early childhood.
I was raised in an artistic family: my father is a painter, my mother ceramic-pottery artist, sister is a stage designer and growing in such an environment rich with artistic events and creating daily definitely determinate my life and creations. So, since my father was working even as a graphic designer when I was just a little girl (no computer was used in that period), I often had the opportunities to create some smaller parts for some designs when it was something in correspondence with/for children. I suppose that designing for children was definitely my first task, that raised through years in passion, designation and dedication...since later when attending Artistic Faculty almost all off my Graphic works were for that purpose( I did many illustrations for children books and even designed my font for one of these books that was looking like childish handwriting). Well, sewing for children came much later, after getting my first daughter 9 years ago.....when I found myself in the role of the mother and therefore had very limited time to dedicate to art. So, being mainly in home with a need to create, I have discovered the world of fabric, were the options were almost unlimited and very challenging. I always loved fabrics and funky patterns, giving them the important roles in my graphic compositions and assemblages, but now I really wanted to learn to sew. I have repaired my mother's vinatge sewing machine, bought a serger and some Burda magazines and the first results were very incouraging, pushing me always more, giving me the goal to try more complicated techniques and garment pieces. I have always been more visual sewer, as the sewing explanations were somtimes like another unkown language for me, so with a lot of practice, after a few years, I have achieved good sewing skills .
I was trying always to figure by myself how to do something and I think that experience, beside talent is one of the most important factors in sewing, and in art, generally. Drawing and making my own patterns now is something that I am really proud of. After creating some really unique and fun pieces of clothes for my daughter, I was asked by some friends to sew some things for theirs kids too, so step by step, my label name was born in 2006. -"Like flowers and butterflies". I was firstly making and selling some hair accessories, being attracted by the crafty details and the great attention to detail is something that remain as very important task when creating the entire outfit. My designs range from each day clothes till the couture sets. I have firstly started selling some of my designs on ebay, discovering very friendly children handmade boutique community, learning some new tips and skills, regarding sewing, but also some computer HTML skills and making some very good friends as well.
Occassionally offering custom designs on ebay, I met some very nice people, both buyers and sellers. Some of the designs shown here are the courtesy and property of one of my dearest clients, Mary Stevens from Charleston, SC, made for her adorable daughter Isabella.
I am also selling some of my creations on etsy, where I have 2 shops: flowersnbutterflies and Iwannabe...and blogging about my adventures on www.likeflowersandbutterflies.blogspot.com
Also, I have to thank's a lot to Amanda for offering me such a great opportunity for this feature in theirs magazine and to Mary Stevens for being so patient during past few months and so kind to borrow her's daughters custom for the photographs.
xo, Katarina
You deserve all the press in the world! So happy to see you being featured in this public arena! You are so very talented and bring the world such pleasure when viewing your creations. Many smiles to you! CeCe
Such a pleasure to feature your work, Katarina! Your pieces are beautiful.
Amanda Crabtree
Belle Armoire Magazine
Thank you sooooooooo much Amanda!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats!! Your work is sooooo lovely!! I love that magazine also.
Congratulations on your most deserved feature! Your garments are absolutely gorgeous and inspiring! I am a huge fan of Belle Armoire and I'm happy to see them focusing on designs for children.
Big congrats Kat! Your outfits are wonderful and it is so nice to see you getting some recognition for the amazing work you do. xox
Wow! Your designs are so beautiful, and unique! So much better then what I see in stores! Love it!
Controlled Chaos Photography
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