Thanks to
Jana Orsolic , who prepared this great feature for the
Sensa magazine I was chosen to be among several featured artists, participants of the
"Take away fashion" event/exhibition in Serbia.

The article talks about the
Take away fashion events in Serbia, organized by
Kulturni front or Ljudmila Stratimirovic, creator of the project. I have participated at this great event a few times, and blogged about that, but this last few times, due to the vacancy of time, I just couldn't afford myself to applicate for this event. Hopefully next time;)
The article is in Serbian, of course, and here it is in Serbian:
1. Tvoje sarene tezgice na Modi za poneti specificne su po tome sto su prepune stvari za male smizle. Divno je da se neko uhvatio tog super zabavnog posla i oplemenio nase trziste unikatnim stvarima za devojcice. Toga ovde gotovo da nema uopste. Stvaranje unikatnog nakita i aksesoara za devojcice je zaista zabavno i neograniceno polje igranja i kreiranja po pitanju izbora boja, oblika i materijala. U poslednje vreme, sa dolaskom brendova poput "Zare", Accesorize-a" i "Okaidi-a", mislim da je i nase trziste obogaceno takvom vrstom ponude, iako u masovnoj proizvodnji, sto je sigurno ono u cemu se razlikuje nesto sto je unikat-handmade i nesto je je serijski proizvedeno i dostupno u velikim kolicinama.
2. Tvoje kreacije uvek su fino prezentirane, propracene lepim etiketama koje nadopunju i lepo kompletiraju sve te pazljivo osmisljene i izvedene stvarcice. Tako ceo komad bude do kraja cakum-pakum a i drugima pokazes da je paznja poklonjena do najmanje sitnice. Da li te je na pazljivo osmisljavanje prezentacije nateralo strano trziste na kome si cak prisutnija nego ovde?Hvala na lepim recima;) S obzirom da sam zavrsila graficki dizajn, mislim da mi je ideja o vaznosti prezentacije krajnjeg proizvoda i "total dizajnu" nesto sto sam verovatno naucila skolujuci se, a mogucnost i iskustvo predstavljanja svojih radova na stranom trzistu me je samo naterala da pokusam da jos vise obogatim svoja znanja u plasiranju istih - gde je fotografija skoro presudna (govorim o uslovima virtuelne, internet prezentacije, gde rad na zalost, ne moze da se vidi izbliza )
3. Kako izgleda vasa kuca? Da li ste zatrpani sarenim tkaninama, masnama i jastucicima za igle?Ja to volim da definisem kao kreativni haos. Sigurno da jesam zatrpana materijalima, ukrasnim trakama, dugmicima i slicnim stvarima od kojih moze da se stvara modni predmet, bilo da je rec o garderobi ili ukrasnom detalju-aksesoaru, to je nesto sto me inspirise i sto mi je neophodno u radu, ali isto tako sam zatrpana crtackim priborom, papirima i knjigama iz oblasti dizajna i umetnosti, jer i to predstavlja nesto bez cega ne mogu da zamislim svakodnevni zivot.

And here is the translation, using
Google translator in English:
1. Your colorful booths at the "Take away fashion" are specific in being full of things for the small ones. It is wonderful that someone caught this great job entertaining and enriched our market with such unique things for girls.
Here we almost don't have such things. Creating unique jewelry and accessories for girls is really fun and unlimited field for playing and creating with waste choice of colors, shapes and materials. Lately, with the arrival of brands such as Zara, Accesorize and Okaidi, I think that our market is enriched with that kind of offer, although in mass production, which is for sure the difference in comparison of something Handmade and unique and something that was a serial produced and available in large quantities.
2. Your creations are always finely presented, accompanied by beautiful labels that recharge all those nice and carefully designed and performed stuff. Therefore, the whole piece is at the end an eye candy, showing the attention to the least little things. Does designing and displaying things for the foreign markets (where your work is more present than at our market)made you think about the whole presentation? Thanks for the nice words:) As I finished a graphic design, I think that the idea of the importance of presentation of the final product, and "total design" is something I probably learned during my education, while the possibility and experience of presenting my work in a foreign market is just something that forced me to try to accomplish the knowledge in presentation of the product- where the photographs are almost crucial (talking about the conditions of virtual, internet sales, where work unfortunately, can not be seen up close)
3. How does your house look like? Are you buried with colorful fabrics, notions and needles? I like to define that as the creative chaos. I am surely buried with fabrics, different materials, ribbons, buttons and similar crafty stuff, indispensable for creating and crafting, whether it is the clothing piece or accessories, it is something that inspires me and what I need for work, but I'm also buried with drawing supplies, papers and books about design and art, because it represents something without which I can not imagine daily life.

Have a wonderful week, Katarina