A few days ago, I got the message from my friend
Antea that my plexi ornaments are
featured in the current, March 2010. issue of the
Elle DECOR magazine. But, they haven't signed the artist...(that is me).....as they took the photos of the home of the stylist Jovana Bozovic(who bought the ornaments from me)........and so my ornaments where shown as part of her home decor pieces. Which is really fine and flattering me, but I happen to find a bit not so nice from who ever is responsible for the editorial and the story, that they haven't write something like: the plexi silhouette ornaments are made by the local designer or anything similar, as this is what was written on the next page, aside of the headband fascinator piece made by the local designer for Jovana, that was pictured as well in her home. The thing is that, as
Jovana is also the designer of some home decor items and text at the same page is saying that many of her home living pieces are the pieces handmade by her, I just find this a bit confusing, and I certainly wouldn't like that somebody, (reading the article and not being familiar with my work), may think that I am copying her.....(and I had some similar reactions, which I certainly didn't like and that brought me writing all this)
So, I will be contacting the editor of the magazine and see what they will tell me.
As the
Etsy EURO week is over, as well as
voting , just wanted to THANK you all who voted for
my ornaments , it really made my week:)
xo, Katarina