Seen by my 7 year old DD;)...Just LOVE this drawing...she named it Butterflies wedding-which is written in our language on the drawing....
She is starting the elementary school on Monday, first grade. We have 8 years of elementary school and than 4 year of high school and after that master degrees at Faculties etc.
This is hers last day in the kindergarten....I will take some pics in front of the school on Monday(oh I'm so excited and sort of frightened-it is such a change-is she ready????)
I'm very busy trying to finish some customs and prepare myself and the stuff----for my first show here, in Belgrade.
It is the great event, handmade exhibition show "Take away Fashion".
You can see some more interesting pics, names and work of some of the participants, here or here it is in Serbian thought.
I'm planning to make and exhibit many things, only that I hardly started,LOL, so will see, but hope to make it;)
That picture above is the gallery picure for my custom necklace on eBay and I just hope to make some more of those cuties to show (and hopefully sell) them here too!!!
Kids just love being there, especially in this time of the year....not to hot to play and so many fruits ready to be picked. We have apples, grapes, pears and plums at the moment, and that basket full of fruit in my previous post is all our fruit taken at that moment;) Yummy, fresh and free of any toxins- 100 % organic -as it is used to be called now days.
Bianka loves to pick the grapes and eat them....ah, well, not all of them are really sweet and still mature,LOL....
Yesterday, we visited a neighbor, who has small chicks and the kids just love playing with them(can't say that the chickadees are thrilled when they come to a visit,LOL)
On our way home, they played with some puppies too;)
I finished my new dress yesterday, made for Farmers market launch on eBay, using new line of Sandi Henderson's fabrics. I've just listed it and you can visit the auction here
My daughter Marta made this photo of me while sewing some finishing touches on the dress....I just love the piped belt and small fabric covered buttons...and round neck and the cute crocheted hat (that my granny made;) but you can see it all within template ...
Love this one....I was playing in Photoshop with background, vintage like effects...
We are finally unpacked.
The washing machine can finally take a break,LOL. Kids are off to the countryside(besides Bianka)with my parents and I can sit here and try to describe some of the lovely moments we had while being in Greece, in Thassos island.
***the italic text is the same text, in Italian...for our family and friends;)*** Infine abbiamo disfatto le valige. La lavatrice può finalmente prendersi una pausa. I bimbi sono andati in campagna (tranne Bianka) con i miei genitori e posso sedermi qui e provare a descrivere alcuni dei momenti che abbiamo vissuto mentre eravamo in Grecia, nell'isola di Thassos.
You know that my English language skills are not one of my best, so I hope that zillion of photos I took will help understanding better;) and you can see them all here least some that I've managed to re size and upload;)
Sapete che le mie abilità con la lingua inglese non sono le migliori, così spero che le milioni di foto che ho scattato, possano contribuire a comprendere meglio;) e potete vederle tutte qui ... almeno alcuni che sono riuscita a ridimensionare ed uploadare;)
I made this small video clip just to hear the lovely waving sounds of the sea, in addition to help feeling like you've been there,too;)...the beach you are seeing is the beach under the house we were accommodated in, at the Aliki village , the same one you could see in this post Ho fatto questo piccolo video clip per farvi sentire i suoni delle onde, per farvi immaginare di essere stati li con noii;)… la spiaggia che vedete è la spiaggia sotto il nostro alloggio , al villaggio di Aliki , lo stesso che potete vedere qui
This is my 5th time going to Thassos island and each time I go, I happen to discover something new, some historical fact or some new beach. The island is a verdurous island of the Northern Aegean Sea, it has the round shape and has the 108 km of the coastlines. It is mountainous with springs, marvelous beaches and beautiful, thick vegetation.
Questa è la mia quinta volta che vado sull'isola di Thassos ed ogni volta sembra di scoprire qualche cosa di nuovo, un certo fatto di storia o una certa nuova spiaggia. L'isola si trova nel Mar Egeo del Nord ed è molto boscosa, ha una conformazione circolare e ca 108 chilometri di strade costiere. E' montagnosa e ricca di piccoli ruscelli e cascate, di spiagge meravigliose e di una vegetazione molto fitta.
I can not say enough great things about it's beautiful beaches full of greenery with crystal, clear waters.
The most beautiful one, in the following photo, with white sand-so clean, clear and almost impossible to reach(the road leading to that one is hidden in the mountain, very rocky-without asphalt and long), but very well worth the fatique by my opinion, at least to take pics of my new dress (inspired by greek goddess Nike )-----(not that my hubby was aware of my plan while driving on the rocky road, thinking how he is going to ruin his car and asking me-are we ever going to arrive there yet or ever?,LOL).
Non posso esprimere quanto belle siano le spiagge bagnate dal mare verde cristallino. La piu bella, nella seguente foto, con la sabbia-così bianca pulita, e difficile da raggiungere (la strada che conduce ad essa è nascosta dalla montagna, molto rocciosa-non sfaltata e abbastanza lunga), ma a mio parere ne valsa la pena, per fare almeno le foto del mio nuovo vestito,(non che il mio marito era consapevole del mio programma mentre guidava sulla strada rocciosa, pensando come sta andando a rovinare la sua macchina e chiedendosi ma quando arriveremo? ).
And if you are looking for the best organized, but crowdy beach, than you should go to the Makryammos beach-resort, covering all your needs....including children animation games etc.
E se state cercando la migliore organizzazione, ma una spiaggia molto affollata, potete visitare il lido di Makryammos, che potrà soddisfare tutti i vostri bisogni….compreso giochi di animazione pei bambini.
The only "trouble" of the island, at least the southern part (where we were situated) are the bees- due to the large vegetation of the pine trees almost reaching the sea water. But on the other hand, it's why they have a great honey production and honey is one of the things that the island is famous for, making great gift and souvenir. Pablo was stumbled twicely:( and I think that that will be for sure his great reminder of this island.
L'unico guaio dell'isola, almeno nella parte sud (dove eravamo noi),sono le api.... dovuto alla folta presenza di alberi di pino che arrivano fino a ridosso della costa. Dall'altro canto una delle attività più diffuse è proprio l'apicultura con una produzione elevata di miele e così abbiamo approfittato per fare dei regalini. Pablo è stato punto 2 volte:( e penso che questo sarà di sicuro il suo più grande ricordo di questa isola.
Taking about sweets, souvenirs and gift, children liked hunting for them...
Parlando dei dolci, dei regalini e ricordini i bambini hanno ovviamente gradito cercarli...
while, I was in hunt for the best rock or stone, impressed by theirs lovely texture .....must be a genetic thing, as it must remainding me of my mom's ceramo-sculptures ...
can you see the inspiration...?
mentre io, ero alla caccia del miglior scoglio o pietra, impressionata dalla loro struttura ..... deve essere una cosa genetica, come assomiglianza di sculture di ceramica di mia madre.... potete vedere l'ispirazione…?
Some more children enjoying the beach photos...from different beaches...Bianka was in loved with all the beach toys, Pablo always in search for the crabs and fishes and Marta was mainly only eager to swim...
Qualche altra foto dei bambini che si godono le varie spiagge … A Bianka piaceva giocare con la sabbia, Pablo era alla costante ricerca di granchi e pesci e Marta era pricipalmente desiderosa di nuotare…
Well, some nighty shoots for the end of the post...the first one-sunrise is taken by Marta, as well as some other pics, can you tell she got the feeling???
Bene, alcune altre foto per terminare; la prima foto del tramonto è stata scattata da Marta, come pure alcune altre foto, bè si può dire che abbia talento???
Hope you enjoyed;)
PS Now I can finally try to sew something for Farmers market launch, stay tuned;)
Hello everyone!!! We are just back home and we had great time!!! I will try to post some vacation pics tomorrow, just need some time to do some "welcome back home" homework;). I would also like to THANK you all for leaving the sweetest and kindest comments on my previous post!!!I wish I can send to you all the winning set, but due to the terrible international shipping charges and duties that we are paying here for each parcel containing other than paper stuff, I will have to announce one winner selected by random drawing. And the winner is Laurie who said: Have a wonderful trip to Greece! I'm jealous........wish I could come along, too. Take lots of beautiful pics. I'd love to win a set of hair pins! Gorgeous! Laurie~
But, as I would feel terrible not to send at least something to all of you, I would LOVE to send to everyone that left the comment in my previous post, one of my digital prints !!! So, please, send me your addresses for shipments everyone to: with subject: give-away Hope you will like it;) xoxo katarina
Hi! I'm proud mama of 3 gorgeous kids that are true inspiration for my work. I love to create and express myself through many forms of art: collages, drawings, illustrations, calligraphy, graphic design, textile and surface design, printing, photography, sewing.....