The strangest thing happened the other day, just in front of our balcony, with view to the Danube river, many roofs of the houses and buildings and also, nearest building with many antennas.
Well, those antennas somehow attracted a swarm of birds. Which birds??? Still don't have the idea....but it was such a strange event, made me feel for some seconds like being captivated into the Hitchcock "birds" film . So, I just needed to take the short video, because you have to hear the here it goes
Strange, huh????
It lasted for about 15 minutes, than they just disappeared. I first thought about some upcoming weather catastrophe or similar and it made ma feel worried, but as nothing strange regarding the weather didn't happened (it happened on Wednesday) and as I would like to take it from the positive aspect, I will think of this as the advent of some great news, message or similar - I will be thinking of birds as messengers:)
Wish you a great November,
.... a možda su se samo odmorile na svom putu ka nekom drugom staništu........ sve u svemu, veoma impresivna slika......
WOW, those birds are insane! So many of them.
Crazy, hey! Love your photos!!!!
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