Hello friends!!!
As I mentioned in my previous post, I am doing a GIVEAWAY now!!!
I will prepare a neat lot with some of my stuff including ornaments (white, doily and red dots), brooches and earrings. Nice things that can be great for Xmas gift giving, or to keep them for you.
All you need to do is to leave a comment under this blog post until 25. November and I will draw a random winner using RANDOM Generator.
xo, Katarina
Would love to have some of your ornaments. Al the best, Nela
your ornaments are beautiful!
Your ornaments are beautiful. I would love to have some for myself and would be very happy to share one with special friend!
This is a win-win situation anyway so I'm definitely in - if I am chosen, then hooray, if not, your shop is full and I can choose amongst soooooo many wonderful things. :)
Prijavljujem se i ja za ovu predivnu igricu! :D
Ovako lepim stvarima je tesko odoleti;)
It would be great to win one of your ornaments.
oboskovic at gmail dot com
Uopste ne znam kako sam pronasla ovaj Blog jer nisam iz Blog sveta, ali zam da me od tada jako veseli svaka procitana stranica, postujem jako tvoju posvecenost svojoj decici koja se prosto oseca, tvoji radovi su divni i vrlo inspirativni.
Bilo bi lepo biti pobednik u ovoj igri.
Ukrasi su predivni!
I love your work!
It's really unique and beautiful:))
I love your ornaments, so of course I'm going to take the chance to win some. :-)
Kako bi to propustila! Zanimljiv nacin kao i predmeti :)
Pick me! Pick me! :) Wonderful giveaway.
My e-mail is under sähköposti.
I love the red and white dots... really beautiful :)
Love your ornaments, especially the acrylic doily animals! Would love to have some.
yblackmore (at) hotmail.co.uk
You have an exceptional blog I admire your style.
Merry Christmas from Canada!
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