It's been crazy over here for the past few days. Kids are showing the interest for some new skills: Bianka is protesting against being feeded by someone else, and she WANTS to eat by her self, which is always finishing like this
Which is a phase that will end up when she will really learn how to eat alone, and is funny at the moment for the rest of us. Pablo, my 3 year old son is going through another phase...
wall decorating painting phase.

and he wasn't inspired only with the huge clean background (which my older daughter Marta found as the logical explanation for his new interest to draw on the walls), but even with small non-smooth surfaces as this lamp switch is,LOL.
Of course, my first spontaneous reaction (artistic one) was : "Wow, this is good!!!", which I kept for my self and tried to explain him about how he suppose to use only the papers for drawing...or Grandmother's wall (that is the piece of wall in my mom's house that my mother dedicated to Marta when being at the very same phase). Well, in our house that wall above isn't the only one "affected", but there are others as well and I think that for him the Gran ma's wall just isn't inspiring enough anymore, as Marta quite covered it,LOL.
And than, speaking about painting and paintings, must say that I miss that very much, not having enough time to be dedicated to that, as well (but hopefully soon:o)), so I will share the very last one I did, for some family members.
This painting I did a few years ago, was made upon one Dutch baroque still life from the XVII cent that is kept in the Ermitage museum. I only modified the shape, as my SIL wanted the oval frame for that. It is oil on canvas and it took quite a while to paint that, and I when I paint for myself, I prefer doing some much more expressive style and even abstract objects.
Back to the now days, I have to share some "new arrivals"...some from the Germany
and thanks to my wonderful friend,
Chris whom introduce to me those great appliques made by
Marilena and explain in English how to use Marilena's site, that is all in German.
I'm planning to use those appliques for these gorgeous Japanese cherry fabrics
I also received some new prints from Amy Butler, and I love them!!!!:P
If you are planning to do some shopping on-line, you may like to use this discount at
Thanks to my absolutely fantastic friend
Sharon I'm off to shop!!!! (they don't ship to my country :(...but that's where the friends come to help;))