What a fantastic, happy day it was today! Not only it's my son's birthday, but I have found out that I have passed the doctoral preliminary examination!! The prelims were on Tuesday and I was so nervous to hear the results. The competition level was very high and I had some problems explaining to the jury members why I want to do the PhD in painting and not in graphic design (after studying printing and graphic design) or textile design (as my thesis concept was much closer to the textile design field). But, well I suppose that I convinced them and I am so happy that I will be back to the
Faculty from the next week. And I will totally take some classes from the field of textile design as well (yay for the possibility to combine different art fields) and looking forward to it!
It will be a great mix and match of painting, graphic and textile design!

And of course, we had so much fun with the kids and celebrating all the good news!!!
And I am so happy and proud and so blessed to call this adorable boy - son!
He is the most wonderful son mom can ever ask for.
Have a wonderful weekend and kiss your kids,
Katarina :)