This week we have a great new contest
@Spoonflower, and there are many fabulous designs already!
I was looking forward doing some more designs with mustaches and glasses, as some of my best sellers @Spoonflower are the designs featuring these geek motifs.
For this collection, I have envisioned designs that can be easily used for both genders. Firstly, I wanted to create something with
Nikola Tesla in mind, one of the greatest Serbian minds ever. But, than I decided to take the different direction, and I combined hexies, letters, 2D bar codes, glasses, mustaches, maths and similar geek things. I wanted my main design to be some sort of the modern damask with those elements, but now (still haven't entered any design) I am just not sure. I think I'll enter some of the simpler designs, probably hexies.
Here are the designs and the
entire collection, that will be available for sale soon @Spoonflower.
xx, Katarina